Make the right decisions
Accountable Leaders
To keep us on track, we’ve made changes to keep accountability for ESG at the very top of our agenda. Responsibility for our Environment, Social and Governance programme sits with our Chief Supply Chain Operations Officer, Phil Hackney. This role reports directly to our board and provides regular updates on progress against our goals.
Measuring And Reporting On Good Business
Being transparent is a great way to drive change, as it highlights where we’re doing well, and where we can do more. We’re improving the data we hold on environmental and social issues, and sharing it when it’s available.
Our Ambition By 2025
Report on how climate change poses risks and opportunities to our business through the framework set out by the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures
Make sure our colleagues take up regular training on Diversity & Inclusion, Ethics and Climate
Agree pathways to Net Zero carbon emissions for Scopes 1, 2 & 3
Publish our first sustainability report
Invest in resource and technology to measure progress with confidence